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Dust Gardens is a plant shop specializing in artfully crafted indoor and patio gardens.

You can shop with me at my studio in Holcomb, Mississippi.

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There is something so magical, but grounded and ordinary about growing things, about tending the earth. Dirt on my hands and the slow steady everyday wonder calm my spirit and thrill my soul. It has become something that's hard not to share. 

Good things come from the dust. It was from the dust of the ground that God made His most treasured creation. It was from the dust of the ground that God made man. He didn't speak man into existence, he formed him from the earth–from that gritty dirt under our feet. It was that same ground that Adam was instructed to tend. It is to the same ground that we will all return. We have a sacred and haunted relationship with the ground that we cannot escape. That connection is the secret that every gardener shares. It is the piece/peace that connects us to our humanity and to our creator. In the dust we participate in new life. In it we see a picture of God's redemption.

"For he knows we are but dust...
and that our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers, blown by the wind..."

- Psalm 103:14-16 -


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