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Goblet Open Terrarium with Peperomia


5" glass goblet open terrarium

Goblet Open Terrarium with Peperomia

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  • Peperomia Care

    LIGHT: Peperomia plants need medium to bright light to maintain their vibrant foliage colors. Morning light and filtered light are fine, or you can do 12 to 16 hours of artificial light. Insufficient light will result in fewer leaves, leaf drop, and drab coloration. Direct sun rays should be avoided, as they can burn the leaves.

    WATER: The peperomia has succulent leaves that indicate that these plants don't need frequent watering to maintain vigor. Allow the surface of the soil to dry out between waterings. Keeping the peperomia on the dry side is better than saturating it. Soggy soil can lead to root rot and fungus gnat problems.

    TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY: Outdoors, peperomia plants are hardy to USDA zone 10; they cannot be exposed to temperatures less than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. As tropical plants, peperomia plants prefer a warm and steamy environment, especially in the summer months when their growth is most active. If your plant doesn't get an outdoor vacation in the summer, place it on a tray of pebbles and water to increase ambient humidity, or invest in a small-scale humidifier to place nearby.

    FERTILIZER: When it comes to fertilizing peperomia plants, less is more. Discolored or dropping leaves are usually a sign of inadequate light or excessive watering, not poor nutrition. As a slow-growing epiphyte, the peperomia can go its entire life without supplemental fertilizer, getting what it needs from its planting media.

  • Open Terrarium Care

    Medium indoor sunlight. Never place your terrarium in direct sunlight. Water sparingly every few days or as needed. Be careful not to overwater as your terrarium has no drainage.

    Maintain your terrarium by cleaning the inside and outside of the glass as needed. Periodically prune your plants as they outgrow their space inside. Do not fertilize as you want your terrarium plants to stay small.

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